Meme Generator: Build your own memes

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Розробник: Rodrigo Dutra de Oliveira
4.99 USD

Meme Generator: Build your own memes lets you create awesome memes.

With a collection of 83 standard meme images, you can create outstanding memes, even with your own images. You have full control, setting the font, size, color...


* Great set of meme images. 83 standard memes.
* You can use your own meme image.
* Rich Text Editing Capabilities.
* Resize the final version of your meme.
* Allows to use two images at the same time.
* Auto Enhance
* Super easy to user.

The Rich Text Editing capabilities allows you to change the font and color. To do so, select the portion of the text you wanna change and click on the font/color icon on the toolbar.

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